

Erasmus+ and self- funded projects


Where formal and non-formal meets

Study visit in Lithuania


Study visit
Lithuania, Trakai

You will get the chance to visit open youth centers in smaller towns and cities of Vilnius region. We will also have a meeting in high school to see how formal education institutions work.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Changing Stages

Training course in Italy

Changing Stages

Training Course
Italy, Rimini

Exploration of the methodology of the Theatre of the Oppressed, from the Image Theatre to the Forum Theatre and Games for Actors and non Actors. Exploration of different techniques of Immersive Theatre and Social Theatre, dealing with site-specific methodology to actively engage the audience. Theories and methodologies of non-formal education to use and adapt theatre and creative tools in the youth work dimension Reflection on the risks of using Theatre as tool a tool in youth work, dealing with inclusion, safe and brave space Open space for participants to share best practices and receive feedback!
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Learning activity for youth workers to learn about future thinking

Training course 

Training Course

Learning activity for youth workers to learn about future thinking, to test methods and tools and to collect ideas for Guidelines on how to work with future thinking topics with youngsters. The objectives of the learning activity: - to introduce participants with the future thinking and support to develop personal competences in the future thinking; - to present in the project developed Toolkit and to practice different methods and tools to work with youngsters on future thinking topic; - to introduce participants with the pilot versions of the Playbook and Future thinking game and to collect ideas for improvements; - to share ideas about specific material for youth workers on how to work with future thinking topics with youngsters and create the first draft for this material (guidelines). - to share youth work experiences working with young people & to discuss challenges, opportunities.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!


#MESC: Make Every Step Count

Youth Exchange

About yourself, the community and the digital world we live in

Youth Exchange
Casa San Giovanni in Loffa - Italy 9th - 20th of September 2024

Youth exchange where you will dance! This training has objectives: To raise awareness about the importance of a healthy life-style; To learn/share in the field of accessible Dance and body movement; To practice tolerance and break stereotypes & prejudices; To acquire freedom of movement, of thought, of communication and life; To increase employability and participation of youth in HR; To build intercultural meaningful relations and future cooperation under Erasmus+

Lithuanian participants will become a member of Innovative Generation by being selected to this youth exchange. Membership will cost you 20 euros. Your membership enables our organisation to continue to offer a range of opportunities for young people. As sending organisations do not usually receive any funding, you help us to continue offering those opportunities.
Check out the infopack for the project!


Youth Exchange

About yourself, the community and the digital world we live in

Youth Exchange
Lithuania May 21-29, 2024

IN OUR YOUTH EXCHANGE, WE WANT EVERYONE TO HAVE A REALLY GOOD AND FUN LEARNING EXPERIENCE. HERE'S HOW WE PLAN TO DO THAT: Understanding technologies, Hands-on learning, Reflections, Cultural exchange, Non-formal education.
Check out the infopack for the project!




Training Course

The aim is to empower youth workers to assess and enhance their competence based on the ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers to Work Internationally. The objectives: Explore and Deepen Understanding of ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers to Work Internationally. Provide opportunities for participants to assess their skills and identify areas for growth Deepen the knowledge in chosen competence areas and equip yourself with practical tools and techniques to use in international youth work Enable participants to apply ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers to Work Internationally in planning and leading youth activities and theatre.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!



Art of Development

Training Course

Improve the quality of how youth educators work - using body movement as a tool for personal development and using the benefits of coaching to reflect and implement it in youth work. The training is for you, if you want to experience self-development through body movement; learn how to use coaching methods for the reflection; develop professional skills as a youth worker and increase your efficiency using body movement, art and theatre.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

I T.H.I.N.K.


Project starts:

17-25 May, 2023 
🧠 Youth exchange: I think

Youth Exchange
Perloja, Lithuania

The aim of this project is to bring people closer together as well as different cultures, religions and regions through each individual’s critical thinking (emphasis on information coming from internet) and outdoor education. Enhance the attitude of young people towards positive change and solidarity with minorities and people from different backgrounds; Encourage discussions about cultures, values, norms, taboos, language and local issues related to social stigma/prejudices; Enhance media literacy regarding migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and socially excluded groups in general; Learn how to understand, control and take responsibility for your own thoughts, emotions and attitudes as a first step to accept myself and later on others; Learn how to take personal responsibility and have the courage to become an active citizen (through coaching methods); Support participants to be active in their local communities towards causes and social issues; Increase critical thinking through methods related to experiential cooking and science, coaching and outdoor education;
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

Phase #1:
24 February – 4 March 
Phase #2: 11 – 19 April 
youth exchange Lithuania
Youth exchange: Intuitive Literate

Youth Exchange
UK, England

Every day we face plenty of decisions (some sources estimate that an average adult makes more than 35 thousand decisions each day). Some of them are small, some of them are big, and some of them are life-changing. In school (and often later in life), we’re instructed to listen to the voice of reason (the teacher / authority / the system) and to do as we’re told, and consequently to ignore our heart, our gut feeling that is sometimes called INTUITION. We learn to make decisions based on the rational, economical mind. This approach is arising from safety, carefulness and logic. It is this approach which is creating the exclusion in society: the fear from immigrants, the annoyance from disabled people, putting kids with learning disabilities to special classes so they are not slowing down “the normal” kids. By recalling our gentle side, we learn to make decisions which doesn’t seem to be economically logical (e.g. spending free time in support to charity, community meeting, playing with kids, etc.), but which brings happiness to our life and to the life of the others. INTUITIVE thinking (especially working in tandem with analytical thinking) is positively associated not only with better, faster and more accurate decision-making processes but also with happiness and a sense of autonomy and freedom. This is why it’s important–and today probably more than ever–to connect to our intuition and to exercise it.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

Phase #1: 16-24 February 2023
Phase #2: 22-30 March 2023
Youth exchange: RASA

Youth Exchange
UK, England

RASA Resilience and Sustainability in Action is a learning experience to raise awareness about sustainability challenges, connect to nature, the people around us and our own inner motivation and support each other to take action for a better place.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

Phase #1: 2-14 Feb 2023
Phase #2: 30 March – 11 April 
youth exchange
Youth exchange: Young Clown

Youth Exchange
UK, England

This is a project for young people who would like to to determine ways in order to overcome the obstacle of linguistic expression (expression through eye-contact, gestures, expressions, music, etc). Non-verbal communication is predominant. Having the game as a vehicle, we would like to discover the use of clown’s play connected with arts such as music, dance, painting, as a primary inclusive means of expressing and exploring allocentrically. Co-creation and improvisation will be the key components for the development of the activities.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

Phase #1: 22 January – 2 February 2023
Phase #2: 26 February – 9 March 2023
Phase #3: 7 April – 18 April 2023
Youth exchange: Young Audiovisual

Youth Exchange
UK, England

Everyone has a unique perspective on the world and the ability to share it with the rest of us. This individuality is what we want you to bring. No matter if you are a nerd or a drag queen, you already are what the world wants to see. In this Youth Exchange, we will embrace our oddness and create videos to discover our authentic selves, as well as empower others to do the same. Abroadship.org is inviting you to Young Audiovisual project. It is a three-phase project in which you will have the opportunity to learn how to make promotional videos without the need for expensive equipment, as well as to learn and experiment with others on how to use video to build your own brand.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

3-12 January 2023
inovatyvi kart nov
🧠 Youth exchange: Aware Thinker

Youth Exchange
UK, England

An Aware Thinker is a person who speaks from the heart, is not afraid to risk, and is emotionally present for others by connecting with their inner voice. In this Youth Exchange, becoming an Aware Thinker is experienced through Community Building, where participants will practice the power of listening and expressing deeply, co-creating a safe space to learn to be and stay authentic and to express joy, pain, and everything in between. This being over doing approach helps participants to learn a way of being mindful in the presence of others and to consciously remove the barriers of misunderstanding that separate them from each other. What we learn by building a Community is both how to be more authentic when we are busy with our lives and how to create meaningful relationships intentionally.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

26 June- 3 July, 2022

erasmus plus training course
„Bring the Magic in Volunteering”

Training Course

In this project, we would like to look at the volunteering from both sides: organisation and volunteer. What are those challenges volunteers are facing? How to support the learning process? What does it mean magical touch and how to put magic in volunteering projects?
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

12 June – 21 June 2022

Meaning for well being

Youth Exchange
Liepaja, Latvia

This YE will provide support and space where participants can develop competencies that they can use in their daily lives to take care of their mental health and well-being. Exchange and discover tools and methods on how to continuously improve one's well - being to ensure more active and engaged future actions. Practices as meditation, journaling, gratefulness and reflecting. Moreover, mindful awareness to go in your own pace and understanding your limits and boundaries. Welcome home... it is time to re-connect with yourself.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

26 June- 30 June, 2022

vasaros stovykla jaunimui

Camp for You(th)
Trakai, Lithuania

Would you like to win the game of life? Here is an invitation for you to leave the city behind, and enter the adventurous countryside where you would be surrounded by sacred nature and would have an amazing opportunity to explore your inner courage, bravery and find some peace. During these five days you will have a chance to discover who you are, recognize your inner true self. You might face discomfort and struggles, surrounded by people and society, creating friendships and meaningful relationships, and most significantly you will discover what is really important for you in your life. But there is also more in the box: will you take the responsibility of your own life and the decisions you make? We offer you a journey into yourself with other peers. One thing is to explore yourself alone and the other is to do it together in a fun and adventurous way!
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

27 January – 4 February, 2022

The Art of Development

Training course
Trakai, Lithuania

What is the training about? Improve the quality of how youth educators work: Using body movement as a tool for personal development and using the benefits of coaching to reflect, absorb and purify the information.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

25 April – 4 May 2022

Empathic Step 2: Running in Northern Ireland

Youth Exchange
Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

We invite you to step in shoes of other people and SWIM in Isle of Wight. RUN in Northern Ireland and HIKE in Iceland, imagining nowadays realities, whereas a lot of refugees had to swim, walk or run over mountains, cross the sea and borders to reach peace in Europe.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

04 – 13 October 2022

You Are The World

Youth Exchange

The goal of the project is to improve dialogue between different cultures, religions, promote diversity, foster inclusion of youth, enhance critical thinking of youngsters which would lead to proactiveness and sense of initiative, understand what a stereotype is and overcome it with critical thinking, rise awareness about the discrimination, tackling the issue of IDP’s and refugees, understand its roots, become culturally competent and understand the components of diversity, understand coaching approach, be able to use it in the daily life to enhance critical thinking skills and take control for own actions and thoughts.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

7-18 October 2021

Hike to Learn

Youth Exchange
Erbè, Veneto region, Italy

Hike to Learn is based on sports, outdoor education & social inclusion. It will combine the sports and the hiking with specific methods, analyzing people's behavior and the important qualities related to the project's main theme: Knowledge, Friendship, Environment and Peace.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

19-30 September 2021

Open My Culture

Youth Exchange
Babyn village, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine

‘Open My Culture’, is a play on open-mindedness, it will provide the participating youth with tools and skills essential to tackling cultural intolerance, as well as enhance their personal development, active citizenship, and artistic, - and thus expressive - abilities.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

5 May – 13 May 2022

"Games- a Bridge to Youngsters' Well- being & Values"

Training Course

The overall objective of the project "Games – a bridge to youngsters’ Well-being & Values" is to promote the use of games as educational tools in youth work and to provide knowledge on how games and their use can help young people to better understand themselves, change, influence and improve their quality of life and well-being, increase their active participation and to evaluate personal values in the context of European values.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

30 October – 5 November 2022

Inovatyvi karta NGO
Art of Development - personal development training through coaching and body movement

Training Course
Trakai, Lithuania

What is the training about? Improve the quality of life: Using body movement as a tool for personal development and using the benefits of coaching to reflect, absorb and purify the information.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Confident Youthworker


Confident youthworker

Training Course

Assertiveness is a communication style characterized by confidently expressing one's opinions, needs, and boundaries in a clear, honest, and respectful manner, while also being considerate of others' perspectives and rights. By integrating assertiveness into professional practices, youth workers not only enhance their communication skills but also contribute to their own well-being and resilience.and theatre.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Training of trainers opportunities


Training Courses
All around the Europe

The menu that is offered this spring. Read carefully and choose what it is the most interesting and needed for you! 6 teams from Training of Trainers are offering 6 different trainings.
Check it out and apply!




Training Course

Training course for newcomers in Erasmus+ project realisation, beginners in project planning and management in youth work and also for those who would like to get on board with Erasmus+ Programme, especially with youth exchange activities. The training activity is especially designed for members of organisation, who have accreditation in the field of Erasmus+ in order to develop and lead quality youth exchange events connected to any of the 11 European Youth Goals .
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

European Solidarity corps




Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

European Solidarity corps


Volunteering Summer Fest

Bergolo, Italy

Short term volunteering in Italy.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

28th of February – 8th of March, 2023
Training Course "SOCIAL Strengthening Online Campains Into Active Leadership"

Training Course
Verona, Italy

This training course aims to encourage participants ' participation in democratic life through the conscious use of today ' s digital tools, such as social media, with the aim of reflecting what they have learned in future initiatives that these participants will create and disseminate, as well as future and ongoing projects and campaigns. The course aims at a real investment in the preparation of young people who show interest in those issues that the political national policy often still fails to embrace. At a time when Europe is facing a strong period of uncertainty, many citizens are falling to the temptation of joining populist groups that are moving toward more xenophobic and authoritarian views. The electoral successes of extremist leaders pose a challenge to democratic practice and theory.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

Phase #1
14 – 26 FEBRUARY 2023 &
Phase #2
17 – 29 MARCH 2023
youth exchange
🧭 Youth exchange: Young Muse 🤸‍♀️🤸

Youth Exchange
UK, England

Young Muse is a project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme. The project consists of two youth exchanges. You can attend both of them or only one, it is up to you. If you decide to attend both, in the second you will be assisting and facilitating some of the workshops, so you can practice different skills. The youth exchanges are events where young people from different countries and cultures can meet and exchange experiences, stories, and moments together. It is a space where we co-create our learning. In each youth exchange, we will be a group of 33 people. We come from 6 different countries. The place where we meet is beautiful group accommodation in Ashford. This is only two hours by train from London. We will be in nature, enjoying activities both outside and inside. During the youth exchange, we will explore our authentic, raw voice, through art, movement, storytelling and games
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

Phase #1
20-28 January 2023
Phase #2
29 March – 7 April 2023
erasmus plus youth exchange
💃🕺 Youth exchange: Diverse Communicator

Youth Exchange
UK, England

Project Diverse Communicator offers unique means by which we can explore ourselves (personal competence) and who we are in the wider world (social, citizenship and cultural awareness competences) to communicate with others (culture expression, empathy and multilingual competences). Project aims to tackle nowadays youth issues through 5 main senses: 1. Seeing 2. Touching 3. Smelling 4. Tasting 5. Hearing in dynamic scope (moving). We put emphasis to movement and particularly dance as a form of art which (in experiential way) helps to open a dialogue within and between individuals and communities. You will also have a chance to experience improvisational theater Culture, another key concept in the discipline of art, refers to the values, beliefs, norms, and rules shared by the group and learned through communication. Therefore, our main point is to give equal opportunities for everyone through social inclusion using art as the main tool.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

Phase #2 
28 January – 7 February
youth exchange
📖 Youth exchange: Neurostory 🎙🖼

Youth Exchange
UK, England

NEUROSTORY is a project, funded by Erasmus+ programme. IT aims to connect young people from different countries and host a space where they can practice storytelling and media literacy skills. The project consists of two youth exchanges. You can attend both of them or only one, it is up to you. If you decide to attend both, in the second you will be assisting and facilitating some of the workshops, so you can practice different skills. The youth exchanges are events where young people from different countries and cultures can meet and exchange experience, stories, moments together & learn. In each youth exchange, we will be a group of 37 people. We come from 7 different countries. The place where we meet is a beautiful group accommodation in ashford. this is only two hours with a train from London. We will be in the nature, enjoying activities both outside and inside. In 9 days we are co-creating a story lab, where we can deconstruct stories, craft them, express them, share them, play with them and pass them on.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

Phase #2: 7-16 February 2023
erasmus plus
📷 Youth exchange: Code of Self Branding 🤵‍♀️ 👓 🤵‍♂️

Youth Exchange
UK, England

Having a personal brand is not only a great way to create trust for potential employers or clients, but it also helps to build relationships by showing braveness, self-awareness and authenticity. If we dare to tell our complete story and build our brand not just around our successes, but also our failures, struggles and how we grew from them, we can build full pictures that people can see and relate to. That’s how we can set ourselves up for success no matter the field or position that we want to pursue. Code of Self-Branding is an Erasmus+ project to empower young people pursuing their dream career and stimulate entrepreneurial learning. We will start from ourselves – building self-branding from a personal perspective to higher the chances to find the right job (Youth exchange #1) and further going to entrepreneurship in more in depth (Youth exchange #2). The idea behind this project is to create a safe space where you can explore your core values, share your authentic story and experiment creatively with your branding identity.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

3-11 January 2023
Erasmus plus
♻️ 🌎 Youth exchange: Zero Grams of Waste 🤸‍♂️🌳 🤸‍♀️

Youth Exchange
UK, England

Zero Grams of Waste challenge is a youth exchange to exchange ideas and empower ourselves on how to become zero waste every step of the way Raise awareness about ZGW – 5 Rs philosophy and circular economy Support a ZGW lifestyle and exchange ideas of how to minimize waste, how to reduce, reuse, recycle, rot and refuse the 5 Rs of ZGW Support the participants to take action and become Zero Grams of Wasters To live in a sustainable community and try to minimize waste in practice for 8 days Develop new skills and competences through non-formal learning and informal: creative workshops, workshops, open discussions. Develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to be the change agents in our everyday life and in our communities Create a mini workshop, role playing or any creative presentation of one of the 5 Rs To create videos to disseminate the results of the project
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

13-22 December 2022

Being seen

Training course
UK, England

NO AGE LIMIT! Abroadship.org is inviting you to Being Seen project. It is a 2 phase project where you will have the chance to learn how to build a social promotional video of your organization and/or initiative with low cost equipment as well as to learn and experiment with other people, how to use video by creating yourselves a video.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

2 – 13 November 2022


Youth Exchange

Using a personal development approach, and using body movement and dance as tools we will provide you with the context where you can connect with yourself, connect with others, and have a healthier approach to life. In 12 days you will learn, play and experiment by moving on your own or together in multicultural group of 30 young people from 5 countries (Portugal, Georgia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Macedonia, Poland)
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

13-21 December 2022

erasmus plus youth exchange
Migration Lab

Youth Exchange
UK, England

To facilitate a more efficient integration process, we want to RAISE AWARENESS AMONG EUROPEAN YOUTH about the migration phenomenon and ENCOURAGE THEM TO INTERACT WITH MIGRANTS in order to PROMOTE MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING as well as an EXCHANGE OF KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCES AND OPINIONS. We believe this to be the first step towards increased tolerance and acceptance of our differences.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

02 June – 13 June 2022

Inovatyvi karta NGO
“POOL” - Power Of Outdoor Life

Youth Exchange

We want to give the opportunity to youngsters to participate in a life-altering experience in a setting specially created to offer a diversity of learning opportunities mostly using Non-Formal Learning methods. Often sexism is only talked about in a superficial matter. Ignoring our everyday involvement in the power structures. Therefore it is important to confront the topic on a personal level, in a very sensitive matter. In this YE, we want each individual to enter an intimate & personal journey to develop an awareness & understanding of sexism & gender disparities in their societies/cultures roles, placed in it to reduce sexism behavior on all levels.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

6 June- 17 June 2022

Inovatyvi karta NGO
Knights of the Round Table. Phase II: Searching for a Grail

Youth Exchange
UK, Wales

Knights of the Round Table is a 3 phased Erasmus+ project about social inclusion using the methods of LARP, roleplaying and outdoor education. It consists of 3 Youth Exchanges. As a participant, you can come only to one phase, yet you can join the other phases as a group leader. Wondering which part will suit you the best? Continue to read their detail description.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

7-15 November 2021

Participatory Europe

Training course

A training course that takes youth workers on a journey through politics, policies, decision- making and advocacy in order to bring young people closer to the democratic institutions and to have their say on the matter by exploring the implications and specifics of citizenship and participation, up to how to create and draft a policy.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

AUTUMN, 2022

ACT for Education

Youth Exchange

The idea of the project is created to link the aims to each other, not only to find ways to go forward, but also to improve & empower one another. Knowledge of E + will encourage more active participation, which on the other hand will give way for more projects to be done, eventually creating a direct relation between local communities & participant & an indirect relation between locals & Erasmus +.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

16 August – 27 August 2022

Inovatyvi karta NGO
Knights of the Round Table. Phase III: Searching for Freedom

Youth Exchange
Northern Ireland

Knights of the Round Table is a 3 phased Erasmus+ project about social inclusion using the methods of LARP, roleplaying and outdoor education. It consists of 3 Youth Exchanges. As a participant, you can come only to one phase, yet you can join the other phases as a group leader. Wondering which part will suit you the best? Continue to read their detail description.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

9-20 December 2021


Youth Exchange
Rustavi, Georgia

L(EARN)! will focus on learning how to become a better leader, how to accept our emotions, how to do self assessment and learn from our failures, how to set goals & manage our precious time and how to develop critical thinking. The project aims to create a connection between skills we need and skills we have, so that it is easier to enter the labor market.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

10 May – 21 May 2022

Inovatyvi karta NGO
Youth Exchange: Knights of the Round Table

Youth Exchange
UK, Wales

Knights of the Round Table is a 3 phased Erasmus+ project about social inclusion using the methods of LARP, roleplaying and outdoor education. It consists of 3 Youth Exchanges. As a participant, you can come only to one phase, yet you can join the other phases as a group leader. Wondering which part will suit you the best? Continue to read their detail description.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!

Project starts:

19 May – 28 May 2022 (GROUP IS FULL)

Youth Exchange
Empathic Step 3: Hiking in Iceland

Youth Exchange

We invite you to step in shoes of other people and SWIM in Isle of Wight. RUN in Northern Ireland and HIKE in Iceland, imagining nowadays realities, whereas a lot of refugees had to swim, walk or run over mountains, cross the sea and borders to reach peace in Europe.
Check out the infopack and apply for the project!