
Erasmus plus

Teenagers from Around the World Celebrate in Perloja!

Imagine teenagers from six countries – Georgia, Hungary, Armenia, Spain, Latvia, and Lithuania – coming together in a small town in Lithuania called Perloja. That’s exactly what happened during the IOUTH youth exchange program! This wasn’t your typical school program; it was a week-long adventure filled with fun activities and games.Instead of sitting in classrooms, participants of this youth exchange learned by doing. They …

Teenagers from Around the World Celebrate in Perloja! Read More »

Karina and her volunteering time in Italy/ Karina ir jos savanorystės patirtis Italijoje

LTIšvykimas gyventi į kitą šalį metams yra labai dviprasmiškas – vieni žavisi tavo drąsa, kiti mano, kad esi kiek pakvaišęs. Bet nepaisant to, ką galvoja kiti, mano metai Italijoje yra kol kas pats įsimintiniausias įvykis gyvenime. Ten aš savanoriavau su pabėgėliais ir prieglobsčio prašytojais, nes žadu su šia sritimi dirbti ir ateityje, tad norėjau įgyti …

Karina and her volunteering time in Italy/ Karina ir jos savanorystės patirtis Italijoje Read More »

Empowering Youth Workers Through Self-Directed Learning: A Training Experience in Trakai, Lithuania

This article explores a unique 9-day training course held in the Trakai region of Lithuania, designed to empower youth workers by enhancing their competence based on the European Training Standard (ETS) Competence Model for Youth Workers to Work Internationally. Building Teams and Exploring the Field: Beyond the self-directed learning, the program offered opportunities for team …

Empowering Youth Workers Through Self-Directed Learning: A Training Experience in Trakai, Lithuania Read More »

Sharing Knowledge at Lentvario M. Šimelionio Gymnasium: A Highlight of the ETSpert Training

The ETSpert training course for youth workers took a exciting turn with a visit to Lentvario M. Šimelionio Gymnasium. This wasn’t just a school visit though, it turned into a lively place where everyone learned from each other! Instead of classes, the gymnasium halls buzzed with ten workshops happening all at once. Here, the ETSpert …

Sharing Knowledge at Lentvario M. Šimelionio Gymnasium: A Highlight of the ETSpert Training Read More »

Futurland continues- this time we met in Bulgaria!

The second meeting of the “FUTURLANDS” project took place in Bulgaria, marking an important milestone in our journey. The meeting was filled with energy and determination from all organisations and people. We gathered to discuss how to empower youth workers and equip them with future thinking skills. We exchanged ideas, shared experiences, and brainstormed innovative …

Futurland continues- this time we met in Bulgaria! Read More »

Futurland was kicked-off in Poland!

Futurlands first kick-off meeting happened in Krakow, Poland December, 2023. Despite tones of snow and difficulties to arrive, time was beautiful and productive. What is waiting for us and for you in the further project steps?:) We will keep updating you- so stay tuned! This project is about future thinking and learning materials is going …

Futurland was kicked-off in Poland! Read More »

training course erasmus plus

#artofdev The Art of Development: A Transformative Journey

The “Art of Development” program was an eight-day adventure that left us with lasting memories and valuable experiences. Our journey was a captivating blend of self-discovery, personal growth, and the exploration of youth work, coaching, embodiment, and creative expression. It happened in Georgia in Misaktsieli on October 23- November 1, 2023 and that’s what happened. …

#artofdev The Art of Development: A Transformative Journey Read More »

erasmus plus youth exchange

“Intuitive Literate“ jaunimo maina

„Intuitive Literate“ tikslas buvo padėti jauniems žmonėms giliau bendrauti su kitais, savimi irsavo intuicija, o neformaliojo švietimo priemonėmis didinti solidarumą, kultūrinį ir socialinįsąmoningumą. Pagrindinės projekto metu ugdomos kompetencijos buvo asmeninėkompetencija; socialines, pilietiškumo ir kultūrinio sąmoningumo kompetencijas; irdaugiakalbystės bei empatijos kompetencijos.Intuityviojo raštingumo dalyvė sakė: „Tikrai daugiau pažinau save, atradau naujų dalykųapie save ir išėjau iš komforto …

“Intuitive Literate“ jaunimo maina Read More »

erasmus plius jaunimo mainai

Erasmus+ project “I think” – what an experience!

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange ‘I Think’ was a very successful example of international educational activity. Not only did an international group of youngsters meet but there was a lot of interaction with the local community as well. All this happened in the village of Perloja, Lithuania in May 17-25. The highlight of the youth exchange was the …

Erasmus+ project “I think” – what an experience! Read More »

erasmus plus youth exchange

Diverse Communicator: understanding different cultures and stereotypes through art

Diverse Communicator is an Erasmus plus youth exchange, that brought together people from UK, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Italy to Kingswood Learningcentre in Ashford, United Kingdom.Diverse Communicator offers unique means by which we can explore ourselves (personal competence) and who we are in the wider world (social, citizenship and cultural awareness competences) to …

Diverse Communicator: understanding different cultures and stereotypes through art Read More »