Open commUniTies for SustaInable DevelopmEnt
Traditional educational methods cannot meet these needs: the skills needed by modern students involve creativity, problem-solving, entrepreneurship and green skills, which can hardly be developed within classic school contexts. In order to adapt educational processes to the challenges of the 21st century, schools must rely on innovative and practical methods, involving students in challenging activities and combining new educational needs with educational curricula. In order to respond to these needs, the OUTSIDE project will combine practical approaches to promote learning-based activities aimed to solve real problems related to environmental sustainability by involving the whole community.

OUTSIDE project has the following objectives:
- General Objective (GO): to promote students’ acquisition of innovative skills through the creation of sustainable entrepreneurship projects.
- Specific Objectives (SOs):
- OS1: Creation of an “Open community of learning” involving students, teachers, school staff, institutions, third sector, civil society and the business world, based on the development of an online platform;
- OS2: To promote the professional skills of teachers in the field of project-based learning, Open Schooling and skills for sustainable development through a specific training course;
- OS3: Promoting the role of students as agents of change, through the collection and promotion of sustainable entrepreneurship projects developed by the students throughout project.
- OS4: Map the new skills acquired by young students according to an innovative framework developed during the project inspired by the Key Competences Frameworks (LifeComp) and Entrepreneurship (Entrecomp).

The Toolkit will explore the main topics behind IO1 the OUTSIDE project:
- Outdoor learning
- Open-schooling
- Sustainable development
- Entrepreneurship education
The interactive platform will help both students and teachers develop the business ideas. It will also enhance the involvement of the local OCLs and their active role throughout the project.
It will contain the results of the pilot action tested by the young people, consisting of the entrepreneurial projects of environmental promotion and sustainability developed during the piloting.
Starting from the results of the experimentation in school, the Framework will define the skills needed to develop entrepreneurial mindset, with a particular focus on environmental sustainability.
The project structure has been designed in such a way that the activities lead to the achievement of the planned objectives and the delivery of the project results, according to the following framework:
- Preparation
- Implementation – Teachers training
- Implementation – Development of the Resource Centre
- Implementation – Pilot Action
- Implementation – Framework Development
- Dissemination and valorization
OUTSIDE is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme (Key Action 2 –Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices). The duration of the project is of 30 months, from October 1st 2020to March 31st 2023. OUTSIDE is implemented by 5 European Countries (Italy, Belgium, Croatia, Lithuania, UK). The Partnership is made up of 5 Schools and 4 Organizations active in the field of sustainable development & entrepreneurship.

OUTSIDE multiplyer event in Varėna, Lithuania

Outside students learned how to handfract

Gill in transnational meeting of the project OUTSIDE