
Diverse Communicator: understanding different cultures and stereotypes through art

Diverse Communicator is an Erasmus plus youth exchange, that brought together people from UK, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Italy to Kingswood Learning
centre in Ashford, United Kingdom.
Diverse Communicator offers unique means by which we can explore ourselves (personal competence) and who we are in the wider world (social, citizenship and cultural awareness competences) to communicate with others (culture expression, empathy and multilingual competences). Project aims to tackle nowadays youth issues through 5 main senses (seeing, touching, smelling, tasting and hearing) in dynamic scope (moving). We put emphasis to movement and particularly dance as a form of art which (in experiential way) helps to open a dialogue within and between individuals and communities. Probably since the beginning of the civilisation or even what was before, dancing was (had to be) a form of a communication. In ancient times people used to constantly dance and express themselves through art, since it has always been one of the most vivid expressions of human beings. Art as communication is present everywhere, in many people’s daily life, but very important – still rooted in rural areas. Individual creativity and culture influence person’s movement and a way of expression – making, performing, and viewing.

*You can also enjoy video created in the first phase of Diverse Communicator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P7dKQfVp10&t=1s

Culture, another key concept in the discipline of art, refers to the values, beliefs, norms, and rules shared by the group and learned through communication. The relationship between art, movement and dance and culture is reciprocal. Culture gives meaning to who expresses what, why, how, when, where, and with and for whom, in addition to the role of the audience. Such variables may bespeak sexual orientation and gender roles, as well as ethnic, national, and other group identities. Artists may reflect and/or influence culture. Through art and dance we can learn about very sensitive topics such as discrimination, migration, inclusion and many others. This project has been an enriching experience for the European youth who have had the opportunity to participate in it. Firstly, the participants have learned the importance of diversity and respect for differences. In an increasingly globalized world, it is essential to learn to live with people from different cultures, values, and experiences, and this project has provided the opportunity to do so though art as a tool.

In addition, young people have learned the importance of a safe space and have become aware of the need to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their
ideas and emotions. They have also learned the importance of knowing their own triggers and have developed tools to manage difficult situations.

Another critical aspect of the project has been the organization of activities. The participants have learned to work as a team and have developed leadership and organizational skills.
They have had the opportunity to create and lead their own activities, which has provided them with valuable experience for their personal and professional futures.

Overall, Diverse Communicator has been a highly recommended experience for European youth. It has provided them with the opportunity to learn and grow personally while connecting with people from different cultures through art. This project has demonstrated the importance of creating spaces where young people can connect, learn, and grow together. In conclusion, Diverse Communicator has been a transformative experience for European youth who have had the opportunity to participate in it. They have learned to respect and value diversity, create a safe space where they can share their ideas and emotions, manage difficult situations, and lead and organize activities as a team. These skills are essential for their personal and professional futures and enable them to be responsible and conscientious leaders in their communities. Diverse Communicator is an example of how innovative projects can significantly impact young people’s lives, providing them with the opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with other young people from around the world.

*You can also enjoy video created in the second phase of Diverse Communicator: