Everything started when I went in Lithuania. After visiting Vilnius we went to project venue, where all 30 participants came together to create beautiful project, Full of curiosity and emotions of meeting people coming from 4 different continents. My emotions to meet new people were very strong.
And we began the project. Every day we were taking new steps, getting new information, experiencing new tools and understanding what is stereotypes and what is reality: we were learning from facilitators and from each other. Most important what I learned was knowing more about my self and after project I see new person when I looked ,,in the mirror”. 😌
I was overly emotional during night hiking, role play which was provided as a tool made me understand how refugees feel like when they leave their homes, that this is happening almost every day. Me having role of poor Syrian girl who is trying to survive was priceless experience for me. I think I will never feel it as they have experienced but it was big aye opening for me. And it made me understand that I care and I am worried and want to make a change for better world
I want to thanks organizers and facilitators for creating this amazing experience for us and giving us chance to grow as better human beings. Thank you Gvantsa Mezvrishvili, Raminta Rusovičiūtė and George Bukia for all of this. And last but not list thanks for each and one of the participants who came in this project and made this time unforgettable for me.
#inthemirror #lithuania
#Erasmus+ #youthexchange #innovationgeneration #ywiv #yfw #bookshop

NGO "Innovative Generation"
Non-formal Education | International Projects | Self-development Opportunities