What Rita from Armenia can tell us about the project “In the Mirror” she participated in?
10 days with indescribable emotions, knowledge, unforgettable emotions and rich experience are now in the past. This was my first international project (hopefully not the last one), which I enjoyed. The goal of this youth program was to develop critical thinking through non-formal education. We had interesting and motivating discussions on a variety of subjects. My expectations are more than justified, I have many new friends who are carriers of different cultures, new knowledge that I can convey to other young people and, of course, a new life experience.
In reality, the above is a very small part of my acquisition as the words are powerless to describe real emotions we have felt in Lithuania ❤
I am grateful to #YCAC President Karén Ayvazyan for such an opportunity.
I also thank my dear Armenian team for being with me all the time and sharing my happiness. I love all of you.
#ycacngo #ycac #inthemirror #lithuania

NGO "Innovative Generation"
Non-formal Education | International Projects | Self-development Opportunities