
New facilitators in the field- Artūrs and Aistė

IOUTH was a week-long adventure that was packed with enjoyable activities and games. Instead of staying in classrooms, participants in this youth exchange learned through hands-on experiences. They engaged in games, discussions, and workshops. These activities were more than just fun; they taught them about themselves, explored the fascinating world of technology, and, most importantly, deepened their understanding of each other’s cultures.

What Aistė Kašėtaitė tells about her experience? “IOUTH was as much of a learning journey for me as it was for the participants. It was magical to see how the idea of the youth exchange flourished over the months and actually came to life in Perloja. I believe that through all of the ups and downs all of us created an unforgettable memory – for ourselves, the participants and the local community. I am unbelievably proud and grateful!”

What Artūrs Paparde tells about his experience? “Youth exchange IOUTH provided me with an unforgettable emotional and learning journey. The opportunity to facilitate a group enriched my overall experience, allowing me to practice and develop team-building, communication, and leadership skills in a real-life setting. This youth exchange will remain in my heart and mind for a long time.”