Edgaras is sharing his experience about Erasmus+ project. I found out about Erasmus+ projects less than two years ago, but since then, I just can’t stop doing them! I think, that it is a way to keep on improving all the time. Every project is whole new different story. I was lucky to take part in 4 Erasmus+ projects already and I don’t regret doing any of them. One project can become special, because of it’s topic, the other one, because of the people, or it can fall down in your memory even because of the place. I think that Erasmus+ is a great opportunity for young people to discover the world, improve their language and communication skills and expand their knowledge a lot. My last project in was in July and it took place in Quart de Poblet & Valencia, Spain. As every time, this project was a whole new and different experience. Together with people from the UK, France, Greece, Spain and other folks from Lithuania we were getting to know each, cultural differences between our countries and the gender violence situation in our countries, as it was the main topic of our Youth Exchange. We found out, that before the project some of the participants had no imagination of what Lithuania is like. But now they know, what is the hidden gem of Europe and, of course, what #šaltibarščiai is! If you will ever have a doubt about going to an Erasmus+ project, then just blow it out of your head! It is an experience that you will never forget.
NGO "Innovative Generation"
Non-formal Education | International Projects | Self-development Opportunities