

"Hope" Cards

„Hope Cards“, as a package, is a result of a collaborative process, which happened at the time of the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “I think”. The designs of each card were made in a lino cutting workshop, which took place during a part of the project – the “Festival of Perloja”. The whole creation process was led by the artist Darya Korolkova.The process itself started with brainstorming of what “hope” means to each participant and what message could be delivered to other young people. Following that, participants made a freehand drawing of their desired design on an individual lino piece. Later, the design was carved with lino cutting tools. After that, the colourful print from the finished linocut laid down on paper. The prints were collected by the Artist and digitalized. 

The meaning

The cover of “Hope Cards” symbolizes a labyrinth and a path you could be taking in it. The cards should inspire you to look for answers, your own unique way of living, to not be afraid of making decisions and to take responsibility of shaping your own destiny. If you look closer, you might also see an aerial look of a settlement, a city, or a village. Following this, our invitation is to take an aerial view of our own lives with the help of the “Hope Cards”. By reflecting on certain life situations using the “Hope Cards”, feel the power of the community, the positive energy it transmits. YOU CAN DO IT. Whatever “it” means to you. 

Presentation of the cards on September 13th in Vilnius, Lithuania